Teresa Riemann

multiinstrumentalist, performance-artist & poetess

Der Drang, aus allem Erlebten Konzepte, die zukünftige Handlungsanweisungen enthalten, abzuleiten, missfällt mir zutiefst.

Wider den Zwang zur Verwertung alles Erlebten

Wider den Drang zur Inwertsetzung von Wirklichkeit

Wider den Wunsch nach Zerstückelung von Momenten

Teresa Riemann - Berlin
(*1988 in Dachau) lives and works as performance-artist, musician (compositions / improvisations: drums, piano, voice) and writer since 2012 in Berlin. Since 2010 she has been organizing and staging numerous concerts, readings and performances from Poland to Tunisia. She has been touring with various bands throughout Europe, and presented very intense solo or two-people performances on festivals, e.g. "Choufthouhonna", 2016, Tunis; "Queerfest" 2015, Poznan; "Zwischenraum Festival" 2015, Sotodo Berlin 2017, Onomatopoesietage Innsbruck 2017 (...) 2010 she has been co-founding the cultural space "Café Decentral" in Innsbruck, Austria. Since 2012 she is part of the association XB-Liebig (Berlin), and has been curating various concerts, readings and interdisciplinary events. 

Sprung from the dark caves of the collective german subconsciousness, forging an outlet via the Berlin Noise scene, Berlin based musician, poetess and performance-artist Teresa Riemann explores, through her creative output, the darkness and even more-so the light, which can be found in the spaces we like to keep locked up far away from where anybody can see them. 
After being taught how to play the piano in a classical way, excluding all passion from pure perfection, she started to evolve a genuine art of playing by learning the instruments by herself, starting with the electric guitar, later discovering drums.
From 2013 on she is active in different musical collaborations to be situated inside the broad field of new music that yet come with a raw energy and find themselves far from a hygienical tidiness of pure intellectualism.
She has played with various muscians in improvised music throughout Europe, mainly as a drummer with a strong voice. She has worked with Phil Minton, Bob Rutman, Mark Reeder, Norbert Stammberger, Rieko Okuda, Ekehardt Rainalter and many more. Apart from that, she developped her own compositions on piano with vocals.
In 2013 she recorderd her first solo album "She has lost control again", partly composed, partly improvised, using guitars, voice and drums. 
She has been part of various theatre projects, and in 2015 her play ›punch me‹ was staged for the first time.
Since 2017 she's playing in the bands ›Inutile Témoin‹ (Amélie Legrand - cello, voice / Teresa Riemann - drums, voice) and ›Naked in the Zoo‹ (Ruben Tenenbaum - violin / Teresa Riemann - drums, voice).
Since 2021 she is mainly focussing on her drums solo project.

Every dogma is a coma would best describe her artistic approach.

CONTACT: [email protected]